Asia Flux ( is a regional research network bringing together scientists from university and institution in Asia to study the exchanges of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and energy between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere across daily to inter-annual time scales.
In 2006, Dr. Guirui Yu was elected as AsiaFLUX committee member.
In 2008, Dr. Guirui Yu was elected as AsiaFLUX committee vice chairmen.
In 2007, Dr. Shenggong Li was elected as AsiaFLUX committee member
International Long Term Ecological Research (ILTER) ( is a 'network of networks', a global network of research sites located in a wide array of ecosystems worldwide that can help understand environmental change across the globe. ILTER's focus is on long-term, site-based research.
In 2007, Dr. Honglin He was elected as ILTER's East Asian-Pacific regional network data management committee chairmen.
Global Carbon Project (GCP) Beijing Office: a new bridge for understanding regional carbon cycles.
In 2007, Dr.Ming Xu was elected as the head of GCP Beijing office.