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International Innovation Partnership Program of CAS
Update time: 2011-04-11
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In order to further strengthen the recruiting work of the overseas talents and intelligence, build effective collaboration teams with excellent researchers from China and the foreign countries, improve the innovation capacity of Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS), and stimulate the development of the inter-disciplines and new disciplines, CAS launched the “International innovation partnership program” in 2001. The program relies on State or CAS key laboratories that have good work foundation and research conditions, and has built and supported a number of innovation teams. The key members are the excellent domestic scientists and excellent overseas Chinese scholars. 

The team members generally are 5-8 excellent young and middle-aged researchers in the related disciplines in China and 5-8 associate professorsand above, or equivalent in well-known foreign universities or research institutions.

"Ecosystem Change and Human Activity" innovation team was built in 2005, affiliated with Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, which comprise 7 excellent researchers from IGSNRR and 8 excellent overseas Chinese scholars.

Following is the introduction of the 8 excellent overseas Chinese scholars.


Dr. Chen JingMing

Professor, Department of Geography, University of Toronto,Canada



Dr. Lee XueHui

Professor, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, USA



Dr. Liang SunLin

Professor, Department of Geography, University of Maryland, USA


Dr. Luo YiQi

Professor, Department of Botany and Microbiology, University of Oklahoma, USA



Dr. Qi JiaGuo

Professor, Center for Global Change and Earth Observation, Michigan State University, USA



Dr. Peng ChangHui

Professor, Institute of Environmental Sciences University of Quebec, Canada



Dr. Sun LaiXiang

Professor, Department of Financial and Management Studies,SOAS, University of London, UK



Dr. Xiao XiangMing

Professor, Complex System Research Center,Institute for the Study of Earth,Oceans and Space Unversity of New Hamshire,USA



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Key Laboratory of Ecosytem Network Observation and Modeling,Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101, People’s Republic of China