On May 9-10,2011,a scientific delegation of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory(ORNL) and University of Tennessee (UT), US partner of the China-US Joint Research Center for Ecosystem and Environmental Change ( JRCEEC ), visited Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research( IGSNRR) ,Chinese Academy Of Sciences(CAS).
JRCEEC is a partnership among Chinese and US research institutions including UT’s Institute for a Secure and Sustainable Environment (ISSE), the UT/Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Joint Institute for Biological Sciences (JIBS), Purdue University, CAS Institute of Geographic Science and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR), CAS Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences (RCEES), and the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC).
The delegation included Associate Laboratory Director of ORNL, Dr. Martin Keller;JIBS Director, Dr.Gary Sayler; ISSE Director, Dr.Randall Gentry; Director of Center for International Networking Initiatives/Gloriad, Dr.Gregory Cole,and JRCEEC Coordinator, Dr. Jie ( Joe ) Zhuang.
This visit aimed at promoting the international activities and increase substantial joint projects through JRCEEC, to make JRCEEC become a very useful platform for Chinese and US scientists to pursue creative research on key issues of environment, energy, and biology.
On May 10, Dr. Lv Yonglong, Director General of the Bureau of International Cooperation of CAS, met the guests officially on the meeting room at CAS headquarter. The two sides exchanged views on further strengthening cooperation in the fields of sustainable Biofuels, ecosystem management, cyber-science. Scientists from IGSNRR, Computer Network Information Center (CNIC), and the Research Center for Eco-environmental Sciences also attended the meeting.
Dr. Martin Keller and Dr. Gregory Cole both gave an interesting presentation in China Ecological Forum for researchers and graduates during their visiting IGSNRR. The delegation also visited Key Laboratory of Ecosystem Network Observation and Modeling and the achievement exhibition of IGSNRR. The guests also visited the CNIC to discuss on possible cooperation on cyber-science with the relevant scientists.
This visit has promoted mutual understandings between the CAS and JRCEEC. Moreover, it will provide the solid foundation for the future co-operations.

Dr. Lv Yonglong, Director General of the Bureau of International Cooperation of CAS has a talk with the guests.

Dr. Martin Keller gives a presentation on China Ecological Forum

Dr. Gregory Cole both gives a presentation on China Ecological Forum