Dr.Kirti Avishek, a post-doctoral fellow of International Ecosystem Management Partnership(IEMP), has received the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS) Fellowships for Young International Scientists.
CAS Fellowships for Young International Scientists is aim to promote academic exchange and cooperation between CAS institutes and international research institutions and universities, and the development of talented scientists, by attracting young international scientists to conduct a period of cooperative research at CAS institutes.
Dr.Kirti Avishek 's research focus is to analysis on the global ecosystem monitoring , status and gap for need; to propose a ecosystem monitoring index system for stations and network; to start ecosystem monitoring station building and management. His Supervisor is Dr. LIU Jian.
Prior to this assignment Dr.Kirti Avishek served as an Assistant Professor in The Department of Environmental Science and Engineering at Birla Institute of Technology, Jharkhand (India) since 2007. He has handled UNICEF funded water quality project in Jharkhand, India. He has also guided 11 M.Tech students in their research thesis and is guiding 1 Ph.D. candidate in the field of phytoremediation.
Dr.Kirti Avishek has a MS degree in Environmental Sciences & a M.Tech Degree in Remote Sensing. His Ph.D. is in Ecosystem Management using GIS. His research interests include landscape ecology, ecosystem management, wetland assessment and phytoremediation. He also has a few publications in International and National journals.

Information about IMEP
IEMP is co-sponsored by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and aims to promote research and management of ecosystem and biodiversity and their integration into emerging emphasis on green economy in developing countries. The mandates of IEMP include: supporting developing countries for decision-making on ecosystem management through monitoring and assessment; enhancing knowledge and information sharing and awareness raising; promoting technology transfer and demonstration for ecological engineering and eco-industry development; through the above initiatives and associated training programmes, IEMP will increase the ecosystem management capacity of policy makers, scientists and practitioners in developing countries, such as capacity to study and manage ecosystems as carbon sources or sinks. IEMP is currently housed in Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, in Beijing, China.