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Minister of the Mozambique Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security visited IGSNRR
Update time: 2019-07-09
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On the afternoon of 23 April, 2019, Mr. Higino De Marrule, Minister of the Mozambique Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MASA), Mr. Jeremias Chauque,Vice Director of the Directorate of Planning and International Cooperation of MASA, Mr. SHI Jiyang, President of the China-Africa Development Fund, and LIU Jianguo, General Manager of the marketing department of the China-Africa Development Fund visited the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS). Prof. SUN Zhigang, Deputy Director of the Agroecosystem Research Center, presided over the meeting.

To begin, Prof. GE Quansheng, General Director of IGSNRR, welcomed the delegations from MASA and the China-Africa Development Fund. He told the visitors that IGSNRR was committed to providing outstanding technical support for agricultural development and water resources management in Mozambique.

He hoped that the Institute would continue to deepen its cooperation with the China-Africa Development Fund, MASA, and related agencies, contributing to the development of Mozambique’s agriculture in support of the Belt and Road Initiative.

Next, Prof. WU Bingfang of CAS.  introduced the global crop monitoring cloud service platform (CropWatch Cloud) and explained how it is being applied in Mozambique.

Prof. SUN Zhigang discussed some of the new technologies for climate-smart agriculture and eco-farming and noted how they are beginning to be used in Mozambique.

Mr. Higino De Marrule said that this visit to IGSNRR was helping him and the other visitors understand more about the China-Africa Development Fund and the Institute. He recognized the importance of the three-sided cooperation supporting the establishment of a joint research center at the Wanbao Agricultural Project Base.

He hoped that more advanced agricultural technologies could be transferred from China to Mozambique. He looks forward to opportunities in the future to share more knowledge with Chinese colleagues, promoting the sustainable development of agriculture and other industries in Mozambique.

This exchange enhanced mutual understanding of agricultural science and technology between China and Mozambique and laid a solid foundation for further cooperation.



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Key Laboratory of Ecosytem Network Observation and Modeling,Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101, People’s Republic of China