Key Laboratory of Ecosystem Network Observation and Modeling,Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences
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China Ecological Forum
Update time: 2010-11-15
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 Introduction of China Ecological Forum

On December 21, 2005, Prof. Zhao Shidong, presented on the findings and prospects of MA ,and this marked the opening of China Ecological Forum, which is hosted by CERN.

Aimed at “promulgate new knowledge; exchange new ideas; and demonstrate new findings”, China Ecological Forum is expected to be a platform for the famous ecologists both at home and abroad to present their findings on the ecological issues in China and the world at large. The forum will be organized on a monthly basis, meanwhile workshops, training courses and symposiums would be organized semi-yearly. In the short-term, scientists from CAS and the sites under CERN will be invited to focus their talks on domestic ecological issues.

During December 2005 and April 2009, there are 35 lectures and 5 workshops&training course and 1 advance symposium been organized in China Ecological Forum. These 108 invited speakers included several academicians and onther international famous professors like Robert Costanza, Peter Bridgewater, Geiger,W. F., Chen Jingmin etc.Nearly 4000 participants from institutes, universities and different organizations actively joined China Ecological Forum. The China Ecological Forum website had been visited for more than 1 million times.

Themes of workshops in China Ecological Forum covered “Scientific Problems and its Methodology in Ecosystem Assessment”, “Long Term Ecosystem Observation and Experiments- Response to Sustainable Development Challenges”, “New Concept, New Fields New Technology and New Methodology in Ecosystem Research”, “Climate Changes and Ecosystem Adaptation with Focus on Yangtze River Basin”, “Human Activities and Ecosystem Changes”.

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Key Laboratory of Ecosytem Network Observation and Modeling,Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101, People’s Republic of China